31 May J.F Brennan and Marsh Buggies Open Waterway
Ningret pond has long been a sought out destination. The beautiful coves that lay along the shoreline of Charleston, Rhode Island are frequented by outdoor lovers everywhere. Fishers can find winter flounder, northern pike, clams, quahogs, blue crabs and more. Unfortunately, rising sea levels along Rhode Island have been drowning the natural area. This is bad because this area acts as a buffer to storms and provides protection to the residents.
The Coastal Resources Management Corporation, also known as the CRMC, and U.S Fish and Wildlife Department project jumped to the task. 30,000 cubic yards of material dredged from the breachway has added between six vertical inches and a foot of sediment to the marsh. This process enables plants to grow and the marsh and pond to thrive.
Marsh Buggies was proud to be a part of the project led by J.F Brennan. Our excavators handled the dredging that deepens the breachway channel to improve navigation for boats that use the waterway. Local business nested in this area are happy to see the area improving because their companies can continue to thrive.
Since this area was way too damp for conventional machines, our amphibious hydraulic excavators placed sand within the breachway channel. The sand that was dredged from the channel helped the contractors work more efficiently and achieved the best environmental results. Using amphibious excavators minimizes the impact on vegetation in the marsh, and the locals are super excited! J.F Brennan’s attention to job site safety reduced emissions, and sustainable machine maintenance set his work apart from other teams.
The project will make the marsh more resilient to rising sea levels, slow the entry of sediment into the pond and improve navigation by creating a deeper channel. So, if you are looking for an outdoor getaway, head on down to the beautiful Ninigret pond and check out our hard work yourself!
Jamie Holden
Posted at 13:34h, 07 JuneNinigret is a great place to vacation!