The Louisiana Marsh and Speckled Trout Fishing

Speckled Trout Fishing

The Louisiana Marsh and Speckled Trout Fishing

Ah, it’s spring! That means speckled trout are gearing up to spawn! Here at Marsh Buggies, we love the Louisiana Marsh and everything that comes with it, and that means fishing season. During the winter time, when water temperature was in the mid-40s to low-50s, speckled trout were hiding out in deep and stable holes.

In these spots, they hunker down to hide from the rapidly dropping water level and temperature. The deeper water shields them from the onslaught of cold fronts typical during the winter time. Speckled trout come out of hiding when the water temperature starts warming up and gets into the 60s.

Speckled trout move into the lower part of an estuary, meaning close to the Gulf of Mexico, for the difference in the water.

Saltier Water

For the speckled trout eggs to hatch, the eggs have to float or suspend in the water during the time before they hatch. If they don’t float, then they will fall to the bottom of the water column where they are covered by silt and die. Saltier water makes it easier for the eggs to float in it.

To catch speckled trout, there are a few things to keep in mind. Inshore fish species like speckled trout hate muddy river water and prefer to be in cleaner water. You can also monitor the bird patterns in the springtime to predict the speckled trout patterns. 

Make sure that you are locating tidelines or water that is moving around a point. Tidelines are essential because that is where baitfish like shrimp and crab get blown with the current. Predator fish such as speckled trout, but also white trout and redfish, like to gorge themselves on the tidelines.

Here at Marsh Buggies, we hope that you have a successful fishing season! If you want to learn more about our efforts in helping the marsh in Louisiana, click here.


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