Do You Have a Hurricane Contingency Plan?

Hurricane Contingency Plan

Do You Have a Hurricane Contingency Plan?

Do you have a hurricane contingency plan in place? Tropical Storm Gordon gave New Orleans a good scare. Much of the central Gulf Coast was under a hurricane warning late Labor Day as the tropical storm, which was expected to strengthen, continued its path from the Florida Keys. Tuesday night, it was clear that Tropical Storm Gordon has spared New Orleans, but we’re not out of the woods yet! Hurricane Season officially ends on November 30th. Here is our guide on how to prepare your construction or excavation site for severe weather.

Those of us in southeast Louisiana know exactly how destructive hurricanes can be. However, hurricanes are always anticipated, so people have time to prepare. If your job site is in an area that is known to be at risk for hurricanes, then have a survey done. The survey will reveal the potential impact to your site from a hurricane’s effects. When a tropical storm or hurricane has been discovered, gather the necessary supplies in advance. These supplies might include tie-downs, banding material, and anchors.

A hurricane contingency plan will help prevent loss to the job site due to winds, flooding, and theft. One of the best things you can do is have a relocation plan. If the job involves work on or near bodies of water, then make plans to relocate or protect all equipment and watercraft. Be sure to account for the amount of time it would take to complete relocation. Suspend all work activities when the hurricane is suspected of making landfall within 24 hours. Follow your hurricane plan and assign staff and timetables for completion and evacuate all personnel.

Even in the face of severe weather, you can be at ease with Marsh Buggies. We hire only the most experienced fabrication professionals in the industry, and with quality control and safety standards that are second to none, you can be assured that our products are rugged, reliable and durable even in the harshest of conditions.


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